What is Talent Density and Why is it Important at Crown?

Talent density is a concept that we incorporated from Netflix and Reed Hastings. In his book, No Rules Rules, Hastings discusses the role that talent density played in Netflix’s success. The construct challenged conventional talent management ideas and completely changed how companies approached the hiring process. So, what exactly is talent density, and why is it so important?

Talent density is defined as the collective amount of talent held by a company’s employees. If you build a team of professionals with an abundance of talent, your talent density will be high. Conversely, underperformers drive the overall talent density of a team down. Hastings stumbled upon the concept when faced with a round of layoffs during the early stages of Netflix. Assessing each of his employees, he chose to keep top performers who were not only exceptionally creative but worked well with others and had positive attitudes over unexceptional employees who underperformed.

Hastings was worried about the negative effect that laying off one-third of his employees would have, but surprisingly, he found that his team became more efficient and passionate after the layoffs. The quality of work improved, and his employees were thriving. He also observed that individual motivation, inspiration, and excitement increased. It was then that Hastings realized the profound impact that raising a team’s talent density had.

Crown takes talent density into account when making hiring decisions because a workplace dense with talent allows for greater freedom and promotes a high level of innovation and collaboration. Populating a work environment with people who have a thirst for continued learning elevates quality of work—top performers have been shown to learn, grow, and prosper when surrounded by like minds. We agree with Hastings’ assertion that a stellar workplace is built upon “stunning colleagues.” Our environment and the people we surround ourselves with have a huge influence on who we are, who we become, and what we accomplish.

Talent density is synonymous with maintaining a hiring standard of excellence. We seek out the best of the best because top performers motivate and challenge one another while propelling real change. Crown’s team is made up of a diverse group of driven individuals who are recognized experts and leaders in their respective fields. When great minds unite under a common goal, amazing things happen. 

We strive to be a company that everyone wants to work for. A well-defined company culture that is dense with talent attracts outstanding professionals and leaders. The problems we are trying to solve at Crown aren’t easy, but innovation never is. We believe success starts with putting together the right team.

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